Why Choose An Oral Surgeon? - San Angelo & Brownwood, TX

Why Choose an Oral Surgeon?

oral pathology patient

Surgical Excellence

At Angelo Oral Surgery and Dental Implants, Drs. Ryan and Tony Montgomery, along with our well-trained team, are the go-to specialists when it comes to any type of oral surgery. As board certified oral surgeons that have completed rigorous training, they possess the knowledge and experience needed for consistent, successful outcomes.

Dr. Montgomery showing dental implant prcoedure

What Sets Our Practice Apart

Dr. Montgomery explaining dental implant procedure

Oral Surgeons Are The Implant Experts

Many dentists perform dental implant surgery, but very few are doing it regularly, and expertise, skill, and technologies vary from practice to practice. At Angelo Oral Surgery and Dental Implants, this is procedure that is performed daily. Several hundred implants are placed every year. As board-certified oral surgeons, Drs.  Ryan and Tony Montgomery have a deeper understanding of the facial structure and the steps that need to be taken to care for patients who have more hurdles to overcome to achieve the desired result. When shortcuts are taken, serious complications can occur such as infection, nerve damage, and implant failure.